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Open lesson plan 21

Lesson 21: A vet

 School #2

named after A.M. Gorkii

Date: 16.02.17 year

Teacher: Ergalieva S.Zh.


Form: 3 “V”



Aims of education

- to learn to describe a vet’s job;

-to fulfill the tasks;

-to use Present Simple and Present Continuous.

Aims of the lesson

All the pupils will be able to:

-pronounce new words;

-listen to the story;

-pronounce letter combination: ph [f]

The majority of

students will be able to:

-answer the questions “What date is it today/was yesterday/

will be tomorrow?”

-answer the questions on  the story;

-use the new words in the sentence.

Some pupils will be able to:

-understand the difference and use phrases “look

for/ look after”;

-say their phone numbers;

-role-play the dialogue.



Pupils have already learnt ordinals, days of the

week, months, domestic and wild animals.

Procedure of the lesson


Activities during the lesson


The beginning of the lesson Engage

3 min




drill 2 min







5 min

Greeting.    Checking up attendance

T: Good afternoon,


Ch: Good afternoon, teacher!

T: I’m glad to see


T: Tell me, please,

What date is it today?

T: What date was


T: What date will be


T: Well done!

T: Now look at the whiteboard. Let’s learn this

sound - ph[f]. Repeat after me: Phone

[fəʊn], Photo [ˈfəʊtəʊ], Alphabet [ˈalfəbɛt], Elephant

[ˈɛlɪf(ə)nt], Phrase [freɪz], Dolphin [ˈdɒlfɪn] .

T: Now who would like to read these words with the

sound ph [f]? Read, please.

T: Well done!

T: Now we are going to check up your homework. What

was it? (to learn new words)

T: Look at the picture and name it. You shoul start

with “This is … “ (work with the presentation)

T: Well done! Now you should use “I like …ing”, e.g. I like dancing.








Whiteboard, PP presentation,

The middle  part of the lesson































activity 3 min



14 min

T: How do you think, what is the most important

profession? P:

T: I think the most important profession is a

doctor. The doctor helps and treats people. And who treats animals?  P:

T: Right you are, he is a veterinarian of vet. Today

we are going to speak about a vet. We

are going to learn new words and do the tasks.

T: Now, let us get acquainted with the new words.

Repeat after me:

A vet –[ә vεt]- ветеринар

Look for-[lʊk fᴐr

]- искать


a shot-[giv ә ʃͻt ]- делать укол


after-[lʊk ǽftәr]-

присматривать за

Poor-[pur]- бедный, несчастный

Job-[dӡͻb]- работа

Fix-[fiks]- перевязать (лечить).

Doing exercise.

Exercise 1. Listen

and read.

Track 37. This is Murat. He is a vet. He is looking

for a job. He is reading a newspaper. Our farm needs a vet. If you like

working outside…If you like getting up early… If you like farm animals… Work

with us! Our phone is 7232615478. Our address is “Aksu” village.

T: Is Murat in a city

or in a village?

T: What is his


Exercise 2. Answer the question.

1. Yes, it is.

2. It’s 


3. He is a vet

4. Yes, he does. 

5. He’s giving some medicine to the sheep. He’s

fixing the horse’s leg. He’s giving a shot.

T:Let’s have a rest! Turn your pages back. Listen to

and sing a song “Old McDonalds had a farm”.

T: Open your Work Books. Work in pairs. Do the

exercise 1 and 2 in your workbooks

Ex:1 (WB) Complete the sentences with the words in

the box.

1. Murat works on the farm because he loves animals.

2. When an animal is sick, a vet gives it medicine.

3. Murat is at


4. Vets look after

baby animals.


2. Put for or after.

1.Doctors look  after sick people.

2.–What are you doing

under the table?

-I’m looking for my


3. Mothers look after

their babies.

4. Policeman look for bad people.


T: let’s role-play the dialogue. Listen to me.


My name is…


What is your profession?


a vet.


you like your job?


I do.

T: Now repeat after me.

T: you have two minutes to practice this dialogue,

and then you are going to role-play it in front of the class.

T: Are you ready to role-play the dialogue? Let’s



PP presentation


PB p.50-51, CD

recording- track 37



PB p.49, CD

recording- track 36


WB p.44





PP presentation

The end of the



marks and home task 3 min




T: You have worked well today and you have the

following marks…

T: Your home task will be to learn new words

T: What have we done today?

T: What new words have we learnt?

T: Did you like the lesson? If you like this lesson rise green hand, if you don’t rise red


The lesson is over, Good- bye!

Pupil’s diaries



Green and red

pictures of the hand





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